6/22: In order to acclimate Whitney’s transition to her new home on wheels, we thought it would be a bright idea to bring along a pet companion. What better pet(s) than Sea Monkeys (related to Brine Shrimp)? Whitney’s world came tumbling down like a house of cards when Daddy mistakenly executed the recommended oxygenation process (blowing bubbles into the aquarium with a straw). The only problem was that Daddy had just finished stuffing his fat face with Wheat Thins, and in the process accidentally spewed half chewed cracker floaties into the Sea Monkey surroundings. Oops. It wasn’t a pretty sight to watch at that point – the poor little monkeys proceeded to gorge themselves to a gluttonous death. Given the circumstances, the girls handled it fairly well, as seen by the ornate burial ceremony shown below. Carefully hand picked flowers, rocks, and leaves were laid at the Sea Monkey cemetery (Hayley's right foot).

(Whitney & Hayley’s Sea Monkey Burial Ceremony)
Hi Robin and Wade,
Just wanted to let you know you have followers in Singapore as well. I've been enjoying the updates and seeing all the great pictures! Almost makes me want to move to the mid West!
Noreen, Andrew, Annie and Grace Ashton
Hi Noreen,
Great to hear from you! You'll have to start your own blog, so we can see how life is like in the Far East. Wa ki liao!
Sorry to hear about the Sea Monkeys. Glad to see that everyone took it in good stride.
Hi everyone!
Wade, perhaps if you had been stuffing your face with bananas instead of crackers the sea monkeys would have grown into something spectacular!! You should try that when you get home - a secret experiment in your basement. You will need some excitement after all the adventure on the road, and it will surely help the kids transition back.
Julie and Justin
I think you need to bring the trip down to the southwest for a visit with the magnussen's. We have enjoyed viewing the trip!!! What a great time. Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa.
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