6/21: The Guzzle-meter has gotten a little stale, so I’ve decided to track an alternative element of the Slome adventure – my “soul patch”. Apollo Anton Ono, eat your heart out! You can determine the fate of Wade’s facial hair via e-mail (wslome@yahoo.com) or a blog posting (if you have a Google account). As you can see the “soul patch” is in its transitional phase right now, but when it comes in it’s going to look great (so I say). Robin, on the other hand despises facial hair on me. Previous attempts of growing a beard or goatee have failed miserably as Robin has either threatened retaliation with unshaven leg-hair or simply worn me down into submission with relentless protests. Now you can seal the fate of Wade’s facial fur for the remaining nine days of our trip with a simple Survivor-like vote. The tribe can elect the fuzz to stay or vote it off the “Beast”.
Unless you are going to don a pair of skates,"SHAVE IT OFF". Grandma agrees with Robin.
Brother-in-law Ryan says:
As long as you are at the helm of the beast, steering the course of this mythic oddyssy, growth of facial hair is not only optional, it is incumbent of your task.
In honor of your task, I too, shall put down the razor.
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